Sophomores & Sadie...Movies Rule

Harry & Margaret and Nolen & Pete
Today Harry & his friend Pete were asked to Sadie by two sweet girls:  Margaret & Nolen.

They went with movie themes for their posters.  Of course I LOVE this idea because we are big movie people in our house.  We will quote a line from a favorite movie in a heartbeat.  Harry's new favorite movie is Pitch Perfect.  It is aca-hilarious!  Not appropriate for the younger two, although I did let E watch the singing parts.  Some of us have to wait to get to heaven to get our ability to sing, so we love to listen to those who can.

Margaret's poster is
Thank goodness Nolen
isn't an angry Elf!  :)

We tried to talk Harry & Pete into wearing our banana and gorilla costumes to answer the door, but Pete said no.  :(  Party Pooper!  We thought it would be hilarious, but we are very strange, so there you go.
I know these kiddos will have a great time.  It's fun to do things with friends.  It's an exciting time because Harry will be able to drive them all to the dance!  Yea!  He turns 16 on the 31st & will get his license the first week of January.  I'm excited for him.  He's excited for himself.  :)

Celebrating Life & Sadie's aca-awesome!



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